I'm a top 0.5% podcaster, Podcast Launch & Growth Strategist at Juliana Barbati Consulting.
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Hey Mama, are you ready for a fresh approach in goal setting and strategies? It’s time to embrace new tips when it comes to preparing for your success.
Goal setting is important when you’re approaching a new year. It will help you keep in mind the things you want to achieve in your life. It’s also a good start to your new year because it can help you embrace new possibilities.
Today, I will be sharing a different approach to goal setting. Sometimes all we need is a new approach to be motivated for the new start.
If you need something fresh to start your new year then this episode will definitely enlighten you. Tune in and learn how to do goal setting a different way.
Are you ready? ENJOY!
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Hey, love, welcome back to the Fruitful Mama Podcast. Now that all of the new year’s resolution and goals and all of the things are out of the way, and I feel like most people have said what I have to say, I actually want to give my two cents on the matter. And I feel like I have a very different approach that everyone can benefit from. And my approach is different in my approach is simple. So I’m excited to share that with you in this episode, I waited a hot minute to get this episode out to you because like I said, I wanted you to see everything that was out there and feel overwhelmed. And then when it goes to a point where you actually started to feel disheartened and giving hope on all your resolutions and goals, because at the end of the day, it’s a new year, but life is the same things are the same, we get to start fresh again on January, but life is still going. And if you have little kids, they don’t know that it’s a new year, and you started, you wanted to get started strong on the first that’s why I wanted to hold off on this episode. And it was super intentional, because I wanted you to get a fresh perspective that you probably haven’t heard anywhere else so let’s dig into this episode. Some of my speaking of new things, I just want to remind you that for the first time in forever, I am hosting a live workshop at no cost to you is going to happen very soon, January 19, at 11am, Eastern you and I get to hang out live on Zoom and this is basically going to be a free coaching call and I get your show up live teacher from the heart, I have copious amount of notes that I need to share with you so all you have to do to partake in such class is just sign up, there’s a link for you down below in the show notes or if you head over to bit.ly/etsyworksho2022, you’ll be taken to the link to sign up and it’s super easy. It’ll take you two seconds, just show up live hang out with me and you’re going to learn a tonne, I promise you.
Now, Mama grab a pen and paper because I am going to give you some actionable steps here today for you to have a fresh approach to goal setting and strategies and all of that for 2022 so that you actually set yourself up for success. Now the reason why I feel my approach is different and fresh and pretty much out of left field is because I am a learner a lifelong learner and last year 2021 It was a very tough year for me, it was pretty much cow poop. And by that I mean that it was a poopy year but if you know anything about cow poop is that it’s actually a very good fertiliser so it definitely while it was a very challenging year for me, it fertilise me into a whole new human being. And I learned so much last year. And I want to share some of the mistakes that I made and how you can do things differently.
So 2020, at the end of 2020, I sat down and I over planned everything, everything down to a tee, I had income goals I wanted to hit, I had things I wanted to do. Intentions had the word of the year and all of those things and everything super planned out. And guess what, none of it happened and everything was pretty much the opposite of what I planned. If there’s one thing that I learned is that you should take things little by little, because you just don’t know what life’s gonna throw at you. It’s great to be a person who’s prepared for things and to have a goal and to have a plan but over planning sometimes can make you give up on things really soon, because things start happening in life starts happening and you can be so quick to just give up goals and forget them so what I did this year was to set out a 90 day plan for myself. So I actually have quarterly goals that I want to achieve. And I’m not even looking right now at what’s going to happen in the second, third or fourth quarter of the year because life is gonna change and life is going to evolve. It’s just the nature of how things work. What I like today might not be the same thing that I like tomorrow because again, we are human beings learning and evolving and we are on this journey here on earth. And God put these lessons in our lives for us to learn so instead of focusing on long term strategies for the whole year, I am breaking them down into 90 Day chunks.
And one thing that I highly recommended that you do is that you take the time to write down a 90 day vision plan for your life and of course includes your business and the beauty about that is is that this plan is going to be super achievable is going to be bite sized and it’s not going to be overwhelming and again, totally doable. So Let’s write down a 90 day vision plan for ourselves. Now, I know that we’re in the middle of January, and no matter what I would keep it aligned with the quarters so whenever you’re listening to this, just look at whenever the quarter and, and if and if it’s not a whole, complete 90 days, just make your goals just enough for the end of the quarter, so that you stay within two quarters, but you can start whenever you want. So you might not actually be writing a 90 day letter, he might be 70, or 50 Day letter, don’t get caught up in the details here.
The point is, you can start this right now. And this 90 Day vision that you’re going to write down for yourself, I want you to write down how you’re going to feel what you want your business to look like, what kind of income are you making? What kind of sales are you making? What kind of people are you working with? So pretty much anything that your heart desires, write it down here. Now I want to challenge you to write a goal that is actually achievable. So if you just started your store, let’s not shoot for a million dollars by the end of March, because that is a goal that is way out there. If you really just started unless something really crazy, magical happens. And trust me, I believe in miracles but let’s do something that is based off of the data that you have now, and let’s stretch it a little bit more. So maybe that’s 10%, higher of what last quarter was, or maybe this time last year. So let’s just stretch it a little bit more. So it pushes you a little bit further. And then we can add just a tiny bit more to really push yourself out of our comfort zones.
Now, the beauty about this is that you’re going to start to think of ways for example, let’s say that you want to make 20% more money than you did last year around the same time. Now you got to ask yourself, how am I going to make this happen? And Mama, I don’t want you to get tripped up here and start thinking that this is impossible, it’s never going to happen, it’s natural that it’s going to happen. And we should always strive to make that happen so the goal here is for you to write down all the things that you can do to make that goal happen. And then we can break that down into smaller chunks, and make sure that we are achieving it week by week or day by day because we want to make sure that our everyday actions are actually adding up to the results that we want at the end of those 90 days. Now the next important part of this puzzle is that you need to know your why. Why is it that you want to achieve these goals. And by the way, obviously focusing heavily on the business side of things but you can take it as far as you want. It can be in your relationship in your home, with your kids, with your husband, with your friends, or your family, it doesn’t matter.
It’s up to you how you decide to go this I’m choosing to focus on business because this is a podcast about growing your business. Figure out your why, why is it that you need to achieve or not even need, but why is it that you want to achieve these goals. And the reason why this is so important is because there are some days that life is gonna get challenging. There are some days that things are gonna happen, right? Remember what I told you about last year, things started happening for me but back then I really thought they were happening to me and he was just crazy cow. And I wasn’t really clear on my why so that’s why I feel like I got derailed a little bit. And this is not going to happen to your sister friend, because you get to learn from my mistakes. What is your why? Why is it that you want to make more money or to have what know whatever XYZ you decide what it is because when life gets hard, you can go back to your why and keep on trucking because winners win because they don’t quit and you’re a winner because you’re not going to quit so get crystal clear on your why whether the why is because you want to retire your husband, you want to go to Disney, you want to go travel the world, I don’t know what you’re going to do with your money grow only, you know, you’re gonna pay off some debt, whatever it is, be crystal clear on the why.
And it doesn’t have to be by the way something amazing or something crazy. It can be something self serving, okay, let’s just get rid of all the shame that we have around money and feeling evil about money if you want to have more money because you actually want to take care of yourself because you want to start seeing a massage therapist or whatever just because you want to feel better about yourself and you just need a little bit of more help that’s totally okay, okay, not everything needs to be serving others and other things that are bigger than ourselves because you are a smart mama. And I know that you understand that if you take care of yourself, you can actually produce 10 times more. So if the reason for you to make that money is for you to take care of yourself free to invest in yourself so that you can become a person who makes way more money and has way more impact. That’s totally okay girl, you get to decide your why as to why you want to make more money in the first place.
And then the next thing mama that I want you to really get serious about is doing something that is actually outside of your comfort zone. So remember that we wrote down how we were going to make this happen, right and in this case, we’re talking about ink come from our businesses. So we came up with ideas of the things that we can do to make that happen, whether that’s showing up on Pinterest more working with influencers, whatever the case may be, we have those written down. Now, I want you to think about something that pushes you outside of your comfort zone, that could be going live on Instagram that could be creating Tiktoks, and reels. And you guys know that I’m not here for those. It’s not what lights me up. But if you like, see you up, and it’s something that you know what, this was challenging, and I’m not totally opposed to it, I’m just super various about dancing and doing the things, but I could see myself doing it, then I want you to go there. And again, push yourself to do things get out of your comfort zone, because Mama, what got you here is not going to get you there. So you we have to change strategies and add on strategies that can take us further. So whether that’s like I said, going live, maybe starting a podcast, maybe just starting a YouTube channel or starting a blog, whatever it is sweet friend, you get to decide what the thing is, but choose something that is going to push you outside of your comfort zone.
Guess what happens when we are outside of our comfort zone growth, growth happens and what happens when we grow, we make more money, we have more impact, we have more energy, there’s just some something very expansive about us doing things that are challenging to us that we can overcome, because then it just compounds on itself. We start to build courage and the courage just kind of again, compounds on itself. And the impact we get to have is absolutely insane. So again, my mom, your actionable step for today is for you to get out a piece of paper, get out your journal, whatever it is grab your pen, and write out a your 90 day plan for your business, for your family, for whatever you can make this into one huge lumpsum. It can be a 190 day letter, or you can be you can compartmentalise it, it’s such a hard word for me to say but you get to decide how you want to go about this. And then we’re going to work backwards from the plan.
How are we going to make this happen, we get to work backwards, and then we’re going to break that down into smaller chunks. And we’re going to make it achievable because there are things that we’re going to do every month, every week, every day that is going to compound on those actions that are actually going to yield results for us. And then next, get crystal clear on your why because when life happens to you, you know what to do you know how to get back up again and keep on trucking because guess what things are gonna happen. And the more accepting that you are that things are gonna happen to you, the better off you are in getting up when those things happen because you know what, what did I say before winners win because they don’t quit and you’re not going to quit sister friend. And then you’re going to do something that is going to push you outside of your comfort zone because outside of your comfort zone, you get to grow and you get to have more impact and more growth. Mama, remember who you are, you are somebody who has lived a life who has done things that nobody has, nobody can quantify the things that you have been through the things have done in your life.
And it’s about time that you credit yourself with how strong you are with how audacious you are with how much you can actually do and how much you actually know mama, you are strong you are capable you can do her things and I say this in every single episode because I’m trying to program your mind to really internalise those things because you are all of those things. Mama until next time, may you be wrapped in peace, love and kindness and I will catch you in the next episode. Bye.
Hey Mama, I really really hope that this episode has blessed you in some way. And if you did or would please be so kind as to leave me a review on Apple. Your review is literally the number one way that you can thank me for all the work for all the love that I put into this episodes. Also, if you loved listening to today’s episode, I can guarantee you that you’re going to love working with me. So head over to my website, julianabarbati.com to see all the ways that I can help you and I can’t wait to talk to you soon. Bye.
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