Monthly Podcast

Woohoo! I’m so proud of you for taking the leap! Let’s take your podcast next level!

Until we meet up for our kick off call, here are the tools I recommend

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  • Podbean

    This is here I host my own podcast. It’s easy to use, affordable and has all the analytics I need. Get a free month with my affiliate link

  • Audacity

    This is the free software I recommend . It’s easy to use, and works on Mac and PC

  • Zoom

    Need to record an interview? Zoom is my go to! It’s free up to 40 minutes.

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  • Microphone

    I use a gamer headset. It’s great because it’s an all in one solution since it has the mic and headphone.

    If you’re looking for a stand alone microphone, the Blue Yeti is a great option.

  • Headphone

    A headphone isn’t mandatory but it’s a great tool to help you not get distracted while recording. Here’s an affordable option.

  • Microphone filter

    This is a must! If you’re getting a game headset, here’s what I recommend. If you’re getting a Blue Yeti or something similar, here’s an option.

Hey love!

There’s an important email coming your way! If you didn’t get it, check your spam folder or email me at

