Podcast Queen

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A 4-week group program where soul + strategy align to grow your podcast with ease and expertise!

Rock the Mic and the Charts

Intuition led. Tangible, searchable results.

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Next round starts Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 11 pm EST! 

  • Use the magic of your intuition while you learn the practical strategies that help listeners find you and tune into your frequency

  • Get ready to create momentum on your “less than dreamy” podcast, and make it the lead magnet machine of your dreams

  • Align your mindset AND practical strategies to become the visionary entrepreneur you came here to be

  • Figure out the next right step to bring ease and vision into your podcasting journey!

  • Upgrade to VIP and experience the hybrid magic of group PLUS 1:1 support!!!

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The Universe whispered “start a podcast” and you wasted no time.

You planned, you recorded, and you launched.

Get it, Queen!

But what the cosmic homies didn’t tell you was all the strategy that went into it!

So now you KNOW you’re sitting on a goldmine- but you just don’t know how to get listeners and downloads- YET.

Have no fear, the cosmic homies are sending me your way.

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Get excited for

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The program you’ve been waiting for to take your show next level

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You already know you’re one of a kind.

I’m here to ground all that magic and transform it into something tangible and searchable. 

Why me?

Because I’m a top 1.5% podcaster and owner of one-of-a-kind podcast management agency with countless successful clients.

You know, the ones your friends DM you with “You have to listen to this”?

Yeah, those. They launched with me by their side.

Why are their shows so successful?

Because my genius equation is letting you be you combined with my expertise and strategies.

I didn’t become a success by accident. I invested and I learned through trial and error.

And, sure, you can continue to google your way through, but that’s not really your thing.

Besides, there’s a much better way.

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Podcast Queen is an experience, not a cookie-cutter course- because if you’re my people, you don’t jive with that.

You’ll leave our 4 weeks together with the podcast that you ACTUALLY dreamed of. 

The one you saw in that initial download.

The one that awesome people are lining up to guest on. 

The one where people just have to stop what they’re doing to DM you about how AMAZING your show is.

This is meant to happen for you. (*there’s that whisper again*)

I can already feel the magic.

Can you?

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You sage.

You channel.

You trust the Universe.

And, luckily for you, the Universe has sent you here.

With me by your side, you get someone who lets you lean into that intuition while also making sure that you do the practical things that will make your podcast work.

Which is why you are a perfect match for Podcast Queen.

We start off with the practical…then we move into the heavy hitting.

We’re covering everything from visibility to mindset 

Like why are you resisting becoming the visionary you KNOW you are here to become?

Let’s shift the energy of your podcast journey in a way that’ll make you feel empowered and equipped to stay the course and be successful.

I’m there with you for 4 weeks, combining soul and strategy and guiding you the whole way through. 

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Here’s what we’re doing together: 

Week 1: Foundation 

Discover the same method I used that got me to rank as a top 1.5% worldwide by:

  • Crafting click worthy titles that get you major visibility and downloads

  • Coming up with content that leaves your listeners wanting more

  • How to get the podcast app to put you in front of your soul mate clients organically

 These are pillars for your podcast to grow and thrive on.

Week 2: Visibility & Monetization

  • How to leverage other social platforms to grow your podcast (without adding more work to your plate)

  • How to get more new listeners to your show FASTER and organically

  • How to monetize your podcast from day 1 and grow your business (without ads or sponsors!)

Week 3: Momentum

  • My go-to strategy for podcasts that need a pick me up

  • How to zhoosh things up when you need a refresh- like taking a red lippy to your searchability

  • How to get your show to rank on Apple charts!

Week 4: Growth

  • How to measure your success so you don’t get off track again

  • How to draw listeners in and wanting more

  • How to hack the quantum and grow your show with ease

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The first time you tried podcasting you, maybe you missed some steps. And that’s ok.

I’m a top podcast manager, and you could hire my agency to do all of this for you, but I’m also a fan of teaching a (wo)man to fish.

When you know how to do all this for yourself, then you’re always in control of your podcast growth. 

It’s all about soul meets strategy!  

We can be ourselves and create success. 

That’s what I did, and I’m a top 1.5% podcaster.

Let’s secure the bag, while we preserve our energy together. 

Sister circle style.

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1 payment of $1111 or 2 payments of $600

Week 1: Foundation 

Discover the same method I used that got me to rank as a top 1.5% worldwide by:

  • Crafting click worthy titles that get you major visibility and downloads

  • Coming up with content that leaves your listeners wanting more

  • How to get the podcast app to put you in front of your soul mate clients

Week 2: Visibility and Monetization

  • Leverage other social platforms to grow your podcast (without adding more work to your plate)

  • Get more new listeners to your show FASTER and organically

  • Monetize your podcast from day 1 and grow your business (without ads or sponsors!)

Week 3: Momentum

  • My go-to strategy for podcasts that need a pick me up

  • How to zhoosh things up when you need a refresh- like taking a red lippy to your searchability

  • How to get your show to rank on Apple charts!

Week 4: Growth

How to measure your success so you keep your growth up

  • How to draw listeners in and wanting more

  • How to hack the quantum and grow your show with ease

4 weeks of Voxer

1 60 min 1:1 Strategy Coaching call

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1 payment of $1555 or 2 payments of $888

Week 1: Foundation 

Discover the same method I used that got me to rank as a top 1.5% worldwide by:

  • Crafting click worthy titles that get you major visibility and downloads

  • Coming up with content that leaves your listeners wanting more

  • How to get the podcast app to put you in front of your soul mate clients

Week 2: Visibility and Monetization

  • Leverage other social platforms to grow your podcast (without adding more work to your plate)

  • Get more new listeners to your show FASTER and organically

  • Monetize your podcast from day 1 and grow your business (without ads or sponsors!)

Week 3: Momentum

  • My go-to strategy for podcasts that need a pick me up

  • How to zhoosh things up when you need a refresh- like taking a red lippy to your searchability

  • How to get your show to rank on Apple charts!

Week 4: Growth

How to measure your success so you keep your growth up

  • How to draw listeners in and wanting more

  • How to hack the quantum and grow your show with ease

4 weeks of Voxer

1 60 min 1:1 Strategy Coaching call

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Oh hey!

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I’m Juliana!

I’m equal parts podcast coach genius and cosmic soul strategist.

Through my dynamic podcast management agency, I help trailblazing women create a magnetic podcast, so they can amplify their voices while increasing their visibility worldwide.

I offer visionary entrepreneurs my expertise in coaching, launching, and managing podcasts all while being a wildly successful 1.5% top podcaster and host of the Organic Marketing Queen Podcast.